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We Consider Submissions


A Wide

Range Of

Children's Titles


KABooks Traditional Publishers ​



KABook Publishers  - we consider submissions from a wide range children's authors, whether they are picture books for babies to novels for teenagers. 


Submitting work: 

Novels/Chapter books - 3-chapters with a covering letter and synopsis. Your synopsis should be no longer than one page of A4.


Picture/story books - full story on a word doc, plus images, the with a covering letter and synopsis. Please let us know the Author and the Illustrators name, we also need the author to confirm their rights to use the illustrations. 


If you haven’t yet finished the work but would like to know if it would be something we are interested in - or you would like to have an opinion before completing the work, send samples of the manuscript to us - we'd be glad to have a look.

Submission work, preferably as one single document in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

We confirm the receipt of all submissions and inform you of our decision within 6 weeks, so .


We do not accept foreign language submissions.







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